BHR Global Associates, Inc. is dedicated to helping companies bring their products to market successfully. We can help with finalization your design, to helping find the right source at the right price, help you maintain a solid on going supply chain and help you sell the product through our team of sales professionals. Our blog will supply information and details on successes, failures, and road blocks to avoid in bringing products to their full potential.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Time to review and cut costs forever

In these troubled times when most companies panic and look to cut costs inways that should be encouraged and used now and when times are good.
It is time to partner with vendors to review what costs can be cut in both operations that can be passed on in cost decreases to the customer and more profits for the vendor.
It is time to question lead times and order quantities. It is time to discuss payment terms and live up to them.
It is time to review the costs with all vendors BUT on a systematic ABC analysis approach to the problem.
It is time to weigh the cost of the product versus the cost of carrying the inventory if imported.
It is time to question everything that is not nailed down and not take NO or CAN'T for an answer.
Those companies that have or will implement not only a cut cost now policy BUT a long term working relationship with vendor partners that keep costs in line ALL the time.
Remember when times get better the cost savings and committments that are implemented NOW will pay extra dividends then.
Bruce Rubin


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