Are you sure they will come
One of the major mistakes that an extrepreneur and company can make is to over price a product or price a product against the wrong competition. The selling price to consumers should be based upon research of the marketplace you want to sell into. If you do your research at Neimann-Marcus for expample then don't go to Walmart to sell your product at the price points found. This point can best be seen from the experience I had with a company that had an organization product that was priced compared against the high end of the marketplace and then began selling into the mass market arena. Obviously the high end or specialty retailer's price points and volume vary greatly from the mass merchants and the end result was what you would have thought-little acceptance by buyers and less acceptance by the consuming public. Therefore, if you want to have a chance at success you must research the marketplace that you will sell into and be competitive with the products that are already there and your uniqueness will then have a chance to succeed. If you would like help in getting products to market properly contact us at or call us at 267-664-5165. Our website will be up shortly.